The Two Paths is a multidimensional fantasy series about the consequences of taking power. The story is set in 21st-century Earth and Adana, the largest continent of the planet Tarn, 75 light years removed from Earth in physical space.
One protagonist of the story is Delilah Jones, adopted daughter of best-selling novelist Andy Jones, whose reputation for realism in his horror stories is well-earned. Jones’s talent for finding and quickening the pulse of his readers is only exceeded by his hubris.
There are five novels in the main part of this story:
- Presumption Revisited (Volume 1 of main series)
- Alien Invasion (Volume 2 of main series)
- The Moment Becomes Now (Volume 3 of main series)
- For the Soul of Adana (Volume 4 of main series)
- The Gifts of the Winged Gods (Volume 5 of main series)
Coda, another important character, has two origin novels:
- Bold is the Kiss of a Butterfly
- To Embrace the Keenest Foil
Several other novels are set in Adana including:
- Lyza and the Brand New Age
- A Stop Along the Way: A Cadfall Tale
Another transdimensional novel, Zookeeper Games, introduces another aspect of the story.
Currently, To Embrace the Keenest Foil is being drafted. At 80000 words it is nearly 2/3 complete. The final section of 40000 words covers the last 4 chapters.