So when is the next grrm book coming?

When it comes. George R. R. Martin gets a lot of crap for not writing his 400,000-word novels quickly enough. If you read his blog, he is incredibly blasé about people bitching. I wanted to share this post by John Scalzi (Old Man’s War, The Android Dream, etc) that addresses author productivity. Neil Gaiman said it

So when is the next grrm book coming? Read More »


Ah, success so saccharine! Here I shake in the corner sand off the sides of my hourglass,  remembering those grains spent carrying leaky buckets for gold  while hungry mariachis dodge pelted fruit. Lying on a park bench, eyes clenched afraid of the spotlight, afraid it misses me, here on this bold tarmac where I’ve tossed

Definitions. Read More »

Irma, please don’t destroy Florida. Instead, take the Holy Land Experience.

Here is Irma, a Category-Five hurricane barreling towards the Lesser Antilles, projected to arrive off the coast of Florida in three days:    Irma is a horrible storm. It will no doubt cause horrible damage, and, for now, it’s coming first to us.   America and Florida, in particular, has a lot of reasons to deserve

Irma, please don’t destroy Florida. Instead, take the Holy Land Experience. Read More »