The 10 Dimensions






Introduction :

There are 10 known dimensions that make up our universe. These dimensions are not planes of existences, or realms, but much rather a minimal number of parameters needed to describe the space. Though the planes of existence are very interwoven with the dimensions, they are not one in the same. To learn more about planes of existence see my post on the planes of existences.  As you go up through the spiritual planes, and raise your vibration even more you will pass through many different dimensions that will have many different dimensions of space with new dimensional parameters. These dimensions of space will allow your consciousness, and reality to perceive many different things depending upon how many are apart of your dimension.  Being able to understand dimensions can help people understand the whole of creation not just in this universe, but all of the universes in the scope of our place in this creation.

1st Dimension :

The 1st dimension is made up of 2 points connected by a line in this dimension the only coordinate that exists is length. Things in this Dimension can only exist on the x coordinate, and only have length to differentiate constructs from each other. It is a entire dimension based on a single line.

2nd  Dimension :

The 2nd dimension is made up of only an x, and y coordinate that is used to show space. In this dimension constructs can work with height and width allowing them to move around a flat like plane.

3rd  Dimension :

The 3rd dimension is made up of 3 coordinates X, Y, and Z. This is the dimension you are most accustomed to, and is already a part of your daily life. The 3rd dimension is a dimension that is home to two planes of existence these being the physical plane of existence, and the etheric plane of existence. Both of them exist in this dimension, and can be explored quite easily through every day means. The third dimension is already quite self-explanatory because you are already living it.

4th  Dimension :

The 4th dimension is made up of the 3 coordinates X, Y, and Z, and also adds a new dimension  of space to the mix known as time. In this dimension your place in time matters as much as your X, Y, and Z coordinates. This is the first dimension in which you can move forward, and backwards in time through will. The 4th dimension is home to the low, middle, and high of the astral plane.

5th  Dimension :

The 5th dimension is made up of the 3 coordinates X, Y, and Z, time, and it’s many branching fates. This is the first dimension where new possible worlds could be formed allowing their differences to be measured in order to form what would be known as the 5th dimension. In this dimension one can move in between different timelines, and fates, and can experience all possibilities of time from all the choices one could make. The fifth dimension is said to be home to the causal plane, the akashic plane, and the mental plane.

6th  Dimension :

The 6th dimension is made up of  all the same things from the 5th dimension, but now you can jump from this universe to any other universe with the same starting conditions. It would probably be some sort of plane where multiple universes are laid out, so that you can go in between universes that started the same way as ours, and you would be able to measure your position against branches that are split off from the timeline of the universe. The other universes will only have slight differences compared to the one you already exist in, and all the universes will be created in the same way. This would allow you to experience universes that are practically parallel to ours. The 6th Dimension is said to be home to the messianic plane.

7th  Dimension :

The 7th dimension is made up of  all the same things from the 6th dimension, but now you can jump from this universe to any other universe even if they’re starting conditions are different than ours, but they still will have the same laws that govern the space, and time. Everything is different from the beginning of time in a 7th Dimension, it was created differently than our universe, or the 6th dimensional universes. The 7th Dimension is said to be home to the buddhic plane.

8th  Dimension :

The 8th dimension is made up of  all the same things from the 7th dimension, but now you can jump through all the historical possibilities from a different starting condition. This would be like being able to see, and move through a unlimited amount of ways a universe with different starting conditions could form. This would allow you to see even more possibilities that you never thought would be possible. The 8th Dimension is said to be home to the atmic plane.

9th  Dimension :

The 9th dimension is made up of all the same things from the 8th dimension, but now you can jump from this universe to any universes even if it has different space, and time laws, and initial starting conditions. In this Dimension you will be able to move between universes with different laws of physics allowing much more things to be possible, because now they have different rules to work by. The 9th Dimension is said to be home to the monadic plane.

10th  Dimension :

The 10th dimension is made up of Infinite possibilities, experiences, and existences. It is all that is possible, and all that you can experience. It is everything, and it is nothing. It is very hard to even imagine what the 10th dimension is because of its overwhelming concept to understand. All possibilities are contained within the 10th dimension as far as we know at this time. The 10th Dimension is said to be home to the adi plane.

Sources for reference, and because they can probably explain it better:

Is this at all related to what science tells us about dimensions? According to science there exist 11 dimensions, though we live in just 3 (3 spatial dimensions and 1 time dimension actually, but I’m really just talking about space). Are these concepts derived from that idea? And if they are, why 10 dimensions and not 11? And how do the 11 spacial dimensions science tells us exist in our universe relate to use living in the 3 dimensional physical plane according to this idea?

Yes, it is related to what science tells us about dimensions, and most information I have found only goes up to 10. They relate to us because we are multi-dimensional beings, and we exist upon many of these dimensions simultaneously. I have not found any good information on the 11th dimension would you have any insight into said dimension? 

– Wolf Of Antimony

The idea of there existing more than just 3 dimensions in our universe comes from string theory of course, and from what I’d learned the theory concluded 11 dimensions exist. Looking further into it now though I see that it depends on WHICH interpretation you adhear to, the number of dimensions varying between 10, 11, and 26 depending on the theory. Superstring theory (or the five Superstring theories from what I can tell) usually say 10, while M-theory (a theory unifying the Superstring theories) says 11.

I’m no expert of course and can’t say which theory/theories are more correct, and so can’t definitely say if there are 10 or 11 dimensions. I should’ve checked this beforehand, I’m sorry for any confusion I may have caused.

No you are fine my friend. ^^ I would definitely not classify myself as an expert on this either, and I am much better at metaphysics, then I am at science. So thank you so much for the input, and for sharing your thoughts, and concerns. I appreciate you interacting with the blog, and your questions.

– Wolf Of Antimony